CV | Matúš Šedivý

Petr Neugebauer  

  Matúš Šedivý
    MOTeS Junior Researcher

    ORCID: 0000-0002-3470-8109    
    Phone: +421 908 956 932

I have developed the modular software solution that controls our home build FRaScan HFEPR spectrometer.  It allows to perform automated measurement routines in CW mode, frequency-swept mode and so called EPR mapping that combines both. I also participated on construction of the spectrometer, especially on electrification of positioning system for quasi-optical table, and development of single axis sample rotator. Currently I am working on implementation of new software features and expansions such as new software modules for control of dual axis sample rotator and an arbitrary signal generator that will allow an advanced experiment. Part of my responsibilities is also maintenance of HFEPR spectrometer that includes occasional fixing of hardware issues and software bugs.

2017 - 2024 PhD studies in field of Microelectronics and Technologies at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication.
Dissertation thesis topic: Implementation of a multipurpose measurement system for (sub)terahertz electron spin resonance spectroscopy.
2015 - 2017 Master studies in field of Microelectronics at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication.

2024 - present Research technician and software developer in research group Magneto-Optical and THz Spectroscopy.

2018 - 2024 Research assistant in CEITEC BUT. Software development in LabVIEW.
2015 – 2017 Technical worker in ELEDUS s.r.o. Development of electronics, firmware and software.

FPGAs, MCUs, high-speed ADC and DAC, MEMS, THz technology, semiconductors, LabVIEW.

Home PC builder, advanced computer user, driving license (active, group B), ability to find potential issues in advance, sense of thoroughness, persistence in solving of technical issues, inventiveness.