CV | Abdel El Fatimy
Abdel El Fatimy
MOTeS Senior Researcher
E-mail: a.elfatimy@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +33 767 019 027
Abdel El Fatimy received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from Montpellier University, France, in 2002 and 2004, respectively, and he received his Ph.D. degree in condensed matter physics from Montpellier University, France in 2007. Before joining the CEITEC, Brno University, and the Centrale School of Casablanca. He conducted research at Georgetown University, Washington, USA (2013-2017), and worked for CNRS at Montpellier University (2012-2014) and Bordeaux University (2007 - 2008). He worked at Cardiff University, United Kingdom, for three years (2009-2012). He has been a research fellow at the Research Institute of Electrical Communication. Tohoku University, Japan (2008-2009). Throughout his career, he had been interested in studying the physical properties of nanoscale materials and THz based devices.
Current Research
My current research focuses on the physics and applications of low dimensional materials, including GaN/AlGaN, GaAs/AlGaAs 2DEG. I am interested in quantum transport in reduced dimensions, as well as novel nanoscale devices, ranging from sources of Terahertz radiation, plasmonic devices to graphene-based THz detectors.
Selected papers
- Luke St Marie, Abdel El Fatimy, Jakub Hrubý, Ivan Nemec, James Hunt, Rachael Myers-Ward, D Kurt Gaskill, Mattias Kruskopf, Yanfei Yang, Randolph Elmquist, Raphael Marx, Joris van Slageren, Petr Neugebauer and Paola Barbara, Nanostructured graphene for nanoscale electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, Journal of Physics: Materials, Volume 3, Number 1 (2020)
- A. El Fatimy, Peize Han, Nicholas Quirk, Luke St Marie, Matthew T Dejarld, Rachael L Myers-Ward, Kevin Daniels, Shojan Pavunny, D Kurt Gaskill, Yigit Aytac, Thomas E Murphy, Paola Barbara, Effect of defect-induced cooling on graphene hot-electron bolometers, Volume 154, Pages 497-502, Carbon (2019)
- Peize Han, Eli R Adler, Yijing Liu, Luke St Marie, Abdel El Fatimy, Scott Melis, Edward Van Keuren and Paola Barbara Ambient effects on photogating in MoS2 photodetectors Nanotechnology, Volume 30, Number 28, 24 April (2019)
- A El Fatimy, A Nath, BD Kong, AK Boyd, RL Myers-Ward, KM Daniels, Ultra-broadband photodetectors based on epitaxial graphene quantum dots, Nanophotonics 7 (4), 735-740 (2018)
- P. Han, LS Marie, QX Wang, N Quirk, A El Fatimy, M Ishigami, P Barbara, Highly sensitive MoS2 photodetectors with graphene contacts, Nanotechnology 29 (20), 20LT01 (2018)
- A. EL Fatimy, RL Myers-Ward, AK Boyd, KM Daniels, DK Gaskill, P Barbara, Epitaxial graphene quantum dots for high-performance THz bolometers, Nature Nanotechnology, DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.303 (2016)