High-Frequency EPR spectrometer
- Microwave frequency: 80 - 1100 GHz
- Magnetic field: 0 - 16 T
- Temperature: 1.8 - 320 K
- Samples: pellets, single-crystals, chips
The instrument is also capable to perform measurements at zero magnetic field. Open-source control software is available at GitHub.
Contact: doc. Petr Neugebauer
X-band EPR spectrometer
- Frequency: 9 - 10 GHz
- Magnetic field: 0 - 400 mT
- Source: Magnettech MXH2 Gunn diode
- Sample holders: quartz tube, flat cell, liquid nitrogen (77 K)
Contact: Dr. Vinicius Santana
- Spectral range: 5 cm-1 to 50 000 cm-1
- Sources: globar, halogen NIR
- Detectors: FIR, MIR, NIR
Contact: Dr. Oleksii Laguta
High-Vacuum sublimation chamber
- Base pressure: 1 x 10-7 mbar
- QCM for film thickness monitoring
- Heated crucible for molecules
- Temperature monitoring by thermocouple
Contact: Mgr. Lubomír Havlíček, Ph.D.
Vector Network Analyzer - Rohde & Schwarz ZNA-B26
- Frequency range: 10 MHz - 26.5 GHz
- Direct IF access
- Time domain option
- 4 ports
- 2x ZC500 Converter (330 GHz - 500 GHz range)
Contact: Dr. Oleksii Laguta
SourceMeter - Keithley 2450
- Measurement resolution: 10 fA / 10 nV
- Power output: 20 W
Contact: Dr. Oleksii Laguta
DC Power Supply - Rigol DP832
3 channels (30 V/3 A, 30 V/3 A, 5 V/3 A)
- Total power output: 195 W
Contact: Dr. Oleksii Laguta
Current Preamplifier - Stanford Research Systems SR570
- Current gain: 1 pA/V
- Input noise: 5 fA/√Hz
Contact: Dr. Oleksii Laguta
Stereo Microscope - ZEISS Stemi 508
- Zoom: 8:1
- Magnification: up to 50x
- Mode: bright field, dark field
Axiocam ERc 5s camera module for PC
Contact: Dr. Vinicius Santana
Analytical balance - KERN ABT 100-5NM
Min. load: 1 mg
- Max. load: 101 g
Readability: 0.01 mg
Contact: Dr. Vinicius Santana
3D Printer - TriLAB DeltiQ M
- Filaments: PLA, ABS, PET, Dual Filament Palette
- Print area: Ø 180 mm (X, Y) x 200 mm (Z)
- Resolution: 0.25-1.2 mm (X, Y) x 50 µm (Z)
Contact: Ing. Jan Dubský